Monday, August 26, 2019

Our First Three Days on the Alaska Highway

Leaving La Crete, we headed South (then North) to begin our great adventure to Alaska. We had no idea where we were going but were super excited to be starting this leg of the journey. 

                                          Sunset over La Crete

                                      Crossing the Peace River

Construction of the Alaska Highway (sometimes known as the Alcan- Alaska Canada Military Highway) - began on March 9, 1942 and ended on October 25, 1942. Originally built as a military necessity in response to the bombing of Pearl Harbour and the Japanese threat to Alaska and Pacific shipping lanes, it is considered one of the great achievements of the 20th century. It opened to the public in 1948. Many Alaskan businesses still use their “Historical Mile”to identify their location. As we travel the vast wilderness of this pioneer road, we also use kilometre mileposts to identify where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. 

Hope you enjoy our 3 days on the Alaska Highway!

Day 1 - Kilometre 0 - Dawson Creek

We arrived at Dawson Creek at the very end of our driving day. We were pretty tired and decided to head right for the campground. 

Kilometre 27.8 - Kiskatinaw River Bridge - This 162 meter structure is the only original timber bridge built along the Alaska Highway that is still in use today. 

Somewhere around Kilometre 233.4 - After breezing through Fort St. John, we pulled off at a roadside rest area for lunch!! 

Kilometre 454.3 - Fort Nelson - Time to stop for the night! We pull in to the Triple G Hideaway Campground for the night. The driving has been wonderful, long easy stretches of road with few cars. We have seen lots and lots of black bears and have pulled over many times to sightsee but 5 hours is certainly enough. Time to call it quits!

Day 2 Kilometre 456.4 - Nothing like a fruit and yogurt smoothie to start the day! Up and at ‘em! We are hitting the road!

Kilometre 551.4 - Testa River Campground - According to our Milepost book this was a must stop! Operated by third generation family-run hosts, they are
supposed to have world famous cinnamon buns! We stopped by to find out and, yep, they were delicious!!!! The coffee was good too!

Somewhere around Kilometre 597 - A caribou herd just hanging out!

Kilometre 668.2 - We just had to pull over and marvel at the beauty of the mountains and the valleys below. 

Kilometre 675 - Our Milepost book warned us to watch for moose in boggy areas alongside the road. Sure enough…there she was!!! I was disappointed that I didn’t have my zoom lens handy. She took off into the woods with her little calf right behind her. 

Kilometre 712.2 - Muncho Lake - The beautiful deep green and blue color and the enormity of this lake was stunning! Equally impressive was the winding drive alongside it! 

Somewhere around Kilometre 756 - Wood Bison everywhere!!!! For the next 100 kilometres we saw bison feasting on grass on the side of the road.

Kilometre 764.7 - Liard River Hotsprings - A short walk along the boardwalk and we were at a natural hot spring where water temperatures vary from 36 to 52 degrees Celsius! It was absolutely glorious and just what we needed at this time of day! 

Kilometre 905 - Welcome to the Yukon!

Kilometre 974.3 - As we approach Watson Lake, Yukon our tachometer rolls to 10 000km! Wow! Time to pull off the road for the night! Another big day tomorrow!

Day 3 - Kilometre 980 - The Signpost Forest - Designated a Yukon Historic Site in 2013, the Signpost Forest was started by US Army soldier Carl Lindley while he was working on the construction of the Alaska Highway in 1942. Travellers are still adding signs today, which numbers more than 85 000. We stopped and added ours too!

Kilometre 1242 - As we approach Teslin, we pull off for a view of Nisutlin Bay Bridge.

Kilometre 1425.3 - We arrive at Whitehorse!! A quick trip to Walmart and then we head right to the campground. There is so much to see and do! Time to rest!

1 comment:

  1. An amazing trip and beautiful pictures. You both look so relaxed in the hot springs. Enjoy your time in Whitehorse. Love, Uncle Ran
