Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Grizzlies of Denali

Since beginning this trip, we have had some bucket list items we wanted to experience! For the northern part of our adventure, two things we have wanted to do are; 1. See the Northern Lights, which we are still working on, and 2. See some grizzly bears in their natural habitat! Up to this point, we have driven THROUGH wood bison and caribou herds, witnessed Mama moose and calf grazing in the Yukon and seen oodles of black bears and migrating trumpeter swans but the grizzly continued to remain elusive until.........Denali National Park! There are approximately 350 grizzlies within the six million acres of Denali National Park. On the day we did our tour, we saw 6!!! This post is for you guys!!! So happy to have finally seen you! 

As we head towards Mount Denali, a sow and her cubs can be seen grazing on the alpine tundra

Also, on the road in Park Rangers sit in their trucks with Bear sniffer dogs. Apparently, a hiker camping in the back country was unaware of the bear protocol and fed the bears in an attempt to get away from them!! The bears are now back looking for more food from people :(  The rangers are using the dogs to drive the bears back, away from any humans. All hiking trails are closed and people are reminded to observe bears from afar and to follow grizzly protocol!


As we drive back out at the end of the day, our driver spots another female grizzly with two more cubs. They are digging for roots and searching for food in preparation for the upcoming winter. We stop for a long time and enjoy watching them in their natural environment!

                              Check!! Another thing off the bucket list!

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